Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Apologies... :(

I feel I need to apologize for a couple of things.  I have been absent from writing on this blog for some time. I apologize to my followers (both of you).  My life has had some complications the last few months and I hope to be able to devote more of my time to this pursuit.

Also, it has come to my attention that my ex-wife was highly offended at me for using her as an object lesson in one of my posts.  She did not like me "publicly" disrespecting her, so I feel a public* apology is in order.  Although I did not mean to offend, I AM TRULY SORRY.  I wiil refrain from using her, or my life experiences with her, as examples of any points I make, in my writing, in the future.

If anyone else takes offense at my writing please let me know.  And please forgive me.

*PUBLIC... I checked my stats and since I started this blog I have had a total of 255 readers.  That is about 20 hits per month.  Probably the same five checking back each week.  Never the less, this is a public forum. I will be more careful.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sacrament Meeting

Here is the talk I gave in Church Sunday.   This is the english version I first wrote.   My wonderful partner Ilona translated for me and I read the Portuguese.  I felt this was pertinent to the sublect of this blog.

How many young people are 13 yrs old? I remember when I was 13. A temple was dedicated in Oakland, CA. This was a blessing for those of us who lived in Sacramento, because it was only a 2 hr drive to visit the Temple. There was also a huge chapel next to the Temple we called the tri-stake center. Many regional activities took place there. It also was the home of three stakes in the Oakland area. The last time I visited it was home to five stakes. I believe because of the prominence of this location ( The Temple could be seen from all over the Bay area), a visitors center was also built there. My friends and I always loved going to the visitors center to see the progress being made. Each time there was some new art work or exhibit that was added. I remember watching the film “Man's Search For Happiness” there. This came to my mind when I was asked to talk about the subject “Um Proposito Para Meus Dias” (purpose for my days). In the film a man is searching for the meaning of life. He asks questions such as Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? The film then explains the “Plan of Salvation,” and ends with a reunion between this man and his family in the hereafter. At the end of the film there are very few dry eyes.

Other fond memories from my youth were the activities the missionaries had with the youth. They made admission to the activities a non-member friend. The most fun was a basketball league. We would play basketball for a while and then have discussions. By the end of the season I think I almost new all the discussions, although I was a little young to be getting ready to go on a mission. I remember the one about the Plan of Salvation because it was full of circles and visual aids. It seems like this discussion was given more often than the others, except, of course the First Vision.

This plan is referred to as the Plan of Salvation, Plan of Redemption, Our Fathers Plan and other names. My favorite is in a book by President Boyd K Packer. The book is titled “Mine Errand From The Lord.” The first chapter is “The Great Plan of Happiness.” Pres.Packer says, “If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness. We rightly call it the Great Plan of Happiness, for so it is. It should be known also as Our Fathers Plan. As we grow older and, we hope wiser, particularly when we have children of our own,we come to realize that the whole plan of hapiness was designed for us and for them by our Father.”

Pres. Packer then goes into some detail about all the stages of the plan. I gave a talk a few months ago about our premortal life so I will assume you all heard that. Here are the main points:
  • We lived as spirit sons and daughters with our heavenly parents.
  • There was a council. Our Fathers plan was sustained.
  • Tio LuLu presented an opposing plan.
  • Our oldest brother Jehova supported Fathers plan and volunteered to be our saviour because he loves us.
  • There was a war and one third of our prothers and sisters chose Lucifers plan and were cast out.
  • ALL OF THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO EARTH AND WILL COME TO EARTH CHOSE OUR FATHERS PLAN ( this is my missionary message. When you approach your neighbors remember they chose the plan also.)

And now the rest of the plan:
-The Earth was organized.
-Adam and Eve were the first Man and woman.
-Eve was beguiled by Satan and transgressed and was to be cast out of the garden. Adam chose to live the first commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth.
  • through this transgression we are subject to mortality.
  • Through the Atonement the effects of the fall, mortal death and spiritual death can be overcome.
  • After we die we are introduced to the spiritual world. It is happiness for the righteous or Paradise. It is misery for the wicked. In either we continue to learn and are accountable for our actions.
  • After all are dealt with equally a judgment will be rendered. All will be ressurected in his or her order. The glory one receives will depend on obedience to the laws and ordinances of Our Fathers plan. (read D&C 88:32)(also Sacramental Prayer)

Pres. Packer says the great Plan of Happiness is like a three-act play. “Act I is entitled “Premortal Life”The scriptures describe it as our First Estate. Act II, from Birth to the time of resurrection, The “Second Estate.” And act II, “Life After Death, or Immortality and Eternal Life.”
“In mortality, we are like one who enters a theater just as the curtain rises on the second act. The production has many plots and subplots that interweave, making it difficult to figure out who relates to whom and what relates to what, who are the heroes and who are the villains. It is further complicated because you are not just a spectator, you are a member of the cast, on stage, in the middle of it all!!”

So. This is the purpose of our days in this mortal life. It all boils down to one thing. The gospel is simple. That one thing is choice. Adam's choice in the Garden was the most important choice for mankind. It was the beginning. I believe it was symbolic of what our life is about. Our life will depend on many choices we make every day. The Lord has given us some helps in making these choices. The light of Christ for everyone to guide us to truth. The gift of The Holy ghost for confirmed Members of The Church. It is my testimony that these things will guide us to happiness. If we but listen. My favorite scripture is in D&C 101:16 the last phrase is “be Still and Know that I am God.” We have to be still and listen to the voice or feelings within us.

Friday, January 28, 2011

All You Need is Love

John Lennon was probably wiser than even he knew, when he penned the words to this song.  I will attempt to explain why.

Most of my young life was spent feeling very inadequate. Like most Christians,  especially Mormons (yes, we are definitely Christians), I was overwhelmed by all of the rules, or commandments, we have to worry about. The standards we set for ourselves can really be a lot to worry about.  When I was in my early forties I moved to a new neighborhood and found that I lived on the same street as a childhood friend I hadn't seen in many years.  Actually, this was my brothers good friend and he had spent more than a few years making my life miserable.  You know how big brothers and their friends can be.  Anyway, we spent some time reminiscing and found that both of us had similar lives. We  both had endured some hard times and struggled with this feeling of inadequacy.  Then my friend told me something that changed my life.  He told me how he had resolved these feelings and moved on with his life.  The answer is very simple.  If we get the true meaning of the pure love of Christ, all else falls into place.  Instead of worrying about all of the petty rules, all the Lord asks of us is to Love Him and our neighbor!

I went back to my home that evening with a lot to ponder.  My wife noticed I was deep in thought and asked what was wrong.  I told her what I was thinking about and she laughed.  It was just too simple.  Of course this wife had what I call 'The Martha Syndrome."  Remember the story of Martha in the new testament?   The Lord entered a village and was received into the home of Martha and her sister Mary. While Martha bustled about serving and taking care of the details of having guests in her home, Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened and anointed his feet.  Martha went to The Lord and asked him to tell Mary to help her. His answer is in Luke 10:41-42,  "Martha, Martha. Thou art careful and troubled about many things:  But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part,which shall not be taken away from her."  I think the skills of those like Martha are needed in this world, but we must not get so caught up in the details that we forget the love that is most important.

How does this work, you may ask.  If you truly love someone do you lie to them? Do you steal from them? You don't even have jealousy.  You are happy for every thing they have and all of their accomplishments.  When they have troubles you are there for them to help and comfort them.  You don't worry about rules because you simply want the other person to be happy.  Now extend that love to a few more people. Then more until we truly love all our neighbors.  Now extend it to our enemies.  How long do you think they will be enemies?

Imagine a world where everyone has this kind of love for one another.  We could go to bed at night and never lock our doors.  If a child left a bike on the sidewalk it would be right there in the morning.  Or, even better, it might be on the porch, under cover, because a neighbor thought it might rain.  Instead of a neighbor who complains about our trees growing over the fence, we might have community gardens where we all work together.  I could go on painting this picture, but we get the point.  This kind of world has existed at least a couple of times. The city of Enoch comes to mind.  There are instances in the Book of Mormon where people lived this way.  We have these accounts of groups of people who lived without contention and had all things in common. Since we can read of them we know it is possible to have this kind of world.

Now, as I have said in other posts, we can't change others.  The one thing we can do is change ourselves.  This will enhance our lives in many ways.  The obvious way is that maybe others will respond in kind.  I know of many people who have had this happen.  More on this later.  Another great result of living our lives full of love is that our own happiness will grow no matter what other folks do.  We won't be bothered by others actions like Martha was about her sister.  I like to believe that Martha eventually learned this valuable lesson.  I pray that we all will learn it as well.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Agency: Gift and Burden

It's time I said some things about others choices and why they effect our lives.  First of all, the world is full of people. There are almost seven billion people on this blue orb we call Earth.  We can't live anywhere without some interaction with other people.  Second of all, we all make mistakes.  Some of those mistakes have to do with our interactions with others.  I doubt if there is anyone who hasn't done something that affected someone else in some way.  A simple slip of the tongue that hurt someones feelings, maybe.  Or possibly some action that caused pain for someone.  There are sometimes situations where we must choose to please one person and upset another.  Sometimes we must sacrifice one or a few for the good of many.  Many, many situations in life cause problems for others simply because we are all different.  When, in the course of human events, we have to suffer a little, we need to understand that we have differences and allow for those things.

A very wise and loving Heavenly Father gave us the wonderful gift of agency.  People who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints do not understand this word being used like this. Let me explain.  Agency is the freedom and right to choose for ourselves.  I like the word agency because it means we are agents to act, and not be acted on.  It also means we have a responsibility as agents to choose things that are right and good.  We choose not only for ourselves, but we have to be aware of others in this process.  In this way we become responsible agents.

As I may have mentioned in other posts,  I spent some time in therapy.  I had several therapists over the years.  Some were great; others not so much.  I had one who I still like to call my rent-a-friend.  All he did was sit and listen.  In his defense there is a popular theory that says the client should be in complete control of his own therapy, and if the therapist listens the client will come to the answers to his problems.  The answer I came to was  that I needed another therapist.  This is an interesting side note, but let me get to the point.  My next therapist was very wise and made me work hard.  At this time I was still struggling with the concept of why a loving God allows some things to happen; especially to children.  I had heard many answers that just didn't satisfy me.  This lady told me something that no other person had put quite the way she did.  She asked me what would happen if a murderer was prevented from carrying out the act they had a tendency and desire to do.  Then they died still having that desire.  Since they never carried out the act they would be rewarded in the hereafter.  What would this do to the order of things?  I use the example of a murderer here,  but plug in whatever heinous act you have to deal with and ask the same thing.

The point of all of this is that we all have agency and it must be played out in order to guarantee that we all have it.  When we suffer for someone else's agency,  we gain experience, as the Doctrine and Covenants tells us.  This experience gives us what all experience gives us: understanding.  We gain just a very small understanding of what our Savior did for us when he suffered in Gethsemane, and all the events that led to his crucifixion;  and then, as he hung on the cross and finally gave his life, willingly, for us. This also increases our understanding of how much He loves us.  That understanding also increases our love for Him and others.  We love Him because He loved us first.  We love others because we know He loves them as much as He loves us.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One of My Favorite Scriptures

I had an interesting experience at church Sunday.  Not a huge revelation, but a slightly different view of something I have read hundreds of times.

I have a habit I have done for years.  While The Sacrament is being passed I get out my scriptures and let them fall open at random and read from whatever page is there.  This week the book fell on the 121st section of the Doctrine and Covenants.  Since I love this section, I thought it may have opened there because it has been opened there many times.  I think this is some of the most beautiful scripture in all that we have.  And there are many absolutely beautiful passages throughout the scriptures.

As I began reading I realized that the prophet was asking pretty much the same question that I have asked for years and that most of us wrestle with.  Why does bad stuff happen to good people?  As I said, I have read this probably hundreds of times, so it really was nothing new.  I am very familiar with what is being asked.  Of course the rest of this section is The Lord answering this very question.  It just made me wonder if the prophet of The Lord had to ask, who am I to try to address this subject?

I also took some time looking at the cross references at the bottom of the page and looking at other scriptures referenced.  This made me compare the first few verses to what The Lord said as he hung on the cross.  We are aware that our Savior asked why The father had forsaken him. The realization is that He had to be left alone at the end to be certain that He made the choice Himself to lay down his life.  I am sure that Joseph Smith felt very alone there in Liberty Jail.  Especially having done nothing to warrant being put in jail. Then also thinking about all of the mistreatment and persecution all of the Saints had endured up to this time.  The intense feelings Joseph had at this time are so eloquently expressed the reader can really feel them.  There were also references to other prophets using very similar wording.  David expressed these emotions in proverbs several times.  I think David probably felt forsaken at times due to some bad choices of his own.  Isaiah also expressed these same things.  My opinion is that Isaiah probably was feeling some of the bad things that he saw happening to Israel.  Especially when the future was revealed to him.
I am rambling a bit here, but I am trying to say that it struck me that so many of the prophets asked in their prayers why this stuff happens.  It made me understand  why the rest of us wonder about it from time to time.  I hope most of us can take comfort in the beautiful answer given in this scripture to The prophet Joseph. If this doesn't give you comfort, read it again.  And pray about it.  The answers are there, I promise.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have spent a lot of time talking about the choices we make.  There is a good reason for this. It's because the only thing we can control is our own choices; actions and reactions.  I'm reminded of an old joke:  How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?  Only one, but the bulb must really want to change.  The point is that we can't change anyone else.  We can discuss what bothers us about others behavior but they will decide if they want to change it.

Any good marriage counselor will tell you that you can't change your partner.  All you women who married less than perfect men (that would be all of us), need to realize you can't mold them into the guy you wanted.  You have two choices.  Either learn to accept him for who he is, as is; or, if he is too imperfect, leave him.  Learning to accept may mean changing ones self to live with him.

This concept applies to most of life's situations.  Not just wives trying to change husbands.  We will always have people we have to deal with.  Life is filled with others.  Some of our dealings will be wonderful; others not so much.  The degree to which we suffer for other peoples choices will depend a great deal on our reactions.  Again we basically have two choices.  Accept or leave.  We can't always remove ourselves from unpleasant situations, so, if there are a lot of things we can't seem to deal with, the choice is clear.  We must change ourselves to become more tolerant.  I had a Stake president who used to love to give us this advice to survive church service, "We must have a soft heart and a thick skin."

Of course,  there are choices others will make that will cause us to suffer.  We can't avoid all of this. It won't always be a simple thing to just accept things that will happen in our lives.  There will be things people do that may be absolutely devastating.  The good news is that our happiness doesn't have to be determined by these things.  The bad news is that our happiness absolutely depends on how WE deal with these things.  To over simplify this concept, it boils down to one principal: FORGIVENESS.

I will not go into detail here, but I had some very devastating things happen to me when I was a child.  They were definitely the result of someone's choices and I had no control over them.  I spent years in therapy learning to deal with this.  The steps to getting over this were very much like mourning a death.  There was denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and  finally, acceptance.  What I finally realized was that in order to accept this I had to forgive.

The Lord instructed us to forgive everyone for a reason.  Simply put, our own sanity depends on it.  We can't get past the things others will do to us until we truly and completely forgive them.  We were also instructed to love our neighbors.  Beyond that, we are to love our enemies.  This is not an easy task.  I will discus it in more detail in future posts.  Today, I am putting it out there for readers to ponder.  I know I have over simplified the principle and realize it is a process, but there are ways to make it easier.  The main way is to learn to love all of mankind the way our Savior does.  Then the mild irritations of life won't cause us grief.  In addition, we will have some understanding of why things happen, making it easier to get over the real devastating things we will have to face.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pre-made Choices

Here are just a few more thoughts on the choices we make in our lives.  If we think about it many of the things we do are not conscious choices, but they are truly choices.  It's just that we have programmed ourselves to make these choices automatically.  We don't think about whether or not we should get out of bed in the morning.  Maybe that's a bad example because I have this argument with myself every day.  Of course since I am retired it may not be necessary to get up every day.  Ok, we certainly don't think about eating. We may have to decide what we will eat but it is pretty automatic that we eat at certain times of the day. We get dressed in the morning.  We decide what to wear but there is no option to go without clothing.  When we get in the car we don't necessarily go through a checklist to adjust our seat and mirrors and turn the key in the ignition.  Today we don't even think about our seatbelts. These things are automatic.

Our Society has many rules that we live by.  Many are written, many are not.  Norms or mores of society are simply automatic choices we make if we have lived in a society for any length of time.  Since I moved to Brazil I have learned of some things that are not done here.  The O.K. sign some people use in The States is considered a naughty gesture here.  Just one example that comes to mind.  The point is, many norms are accepted because they are automatic or programmed beliefs or behaviors; or simply pre-made choices.

Every culture also has a moral code, either written or unwritten, or a combination of the two.  Most of us live by this code because we have been programmed from childhood to do so.  We don't have to stop and think about most of these choices.  We don't kill each other.  We keep our word for the most part; although this is not as important lately as it once was in our society.

The really great thing to consider is that we can pre-make most of the choices we may be faced with.  There is a movement, to get youth to pledge to wait until they are married to have sex.  This isn't the most popular movement among our youth, but some are making this pledge.  This is a choice youth will be faced with.  There seems to be a great deal of pressure surrounding this choice.  If this choice were already made, when the situation arose there would be no discussion.  No thinking about it.  There are many other situations we will face in our lives.  If we anticipate them and decide beforehand what we will do, we won't have to think and decide at the crucial moment.

I have two Brothers-in-law here in Brazil.  One is a retired Colonel in the Brazilian Air force, The other is an engineer.  Both were taught from their childhood to be honest.  Both worked in fields that are filled with corruption.  Both have been faced with situations where they were asked to sign off on some dishonest deals.  Both refused to do so.  Both of these men have had problems in their careers because they wouldn't "play along".  The up side of this is that both men can live with clear consciences about the decisions they had pre-made from their childhood.

There are many examples of the same kind of choices that were easily made because the decisions were made well in advance of the situation.  I have heard General Authorities of my beloved church speak on this subject, but was unable to find specific talks in my research.  I am just saying that this can be added to the tools I previously talked about that we have in making choices.  As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or any other church, we have guidelines to help us anticipate situations and we can choose how we will react.  This is a true blessing.