Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sacrament Meeting

Here is the talk I gave in Church Sunday.   This is the english version I first wrote.   My wonderful partner Ilona translated for me and I read the Portuguese.  I felt this was pertinent to the sublect of this blog.

How many young people are 13 yrs old? I remember when I was 13. A temple was dedicated in Oakland, CA. This was a blessing for those of us who lived in Sacramento, because it was only a 2 hr drive to visit the Temple. There was also a huge chapel next to the Temple we called the tri-stake center. Many regional activities took place there. It also was the home of three stakes in the Oakland area. The last time I visited it was home to five stakes. I believe because of the prominence of this location ( The Temple could be seen from all over the Bay area), a visitors center was also built there. My friends and I always loved going to the visitors center to see the progress being made. Each time there was some new art work or exhibit that was added. I remember watching the film “Man's Search For Happiness” there. This came to my mind when I was asked to talk about the subject “Um Proposito Para Meus Dias” (purpose for my days). In the film a man is searching for the meaning of life. He asks questions such as Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? The film then explains the “Plan of Salvation,” and ends with a reunion between this man and his family in the hereafter. At the end of the film there are very few dry eyes.

Other fond memories from my youth were the activities the missionaries had with the youth. They made admission to the activities a non-member friend. The most fun was a basketball league. We would play basketball for a while and then have discussions. By the end of the season I think I almost new all the discussions, although I was a little young to be getting ready to go on a mission. I remember the one about the Plan of Salvation because it was full of circles and visual aids. It seems like this discussion was given more often than the others, except, of course the First Vision.

This plan is referred to as the Plan of Salvation, Plan of Redemption, Our Fathers Plan and other names. My favorite is in a book by President Boyd K Packer. The book is titled “Mine Errand From The Lord.” The first chapter is “The Great Plan of Happiness.” Pres.Packer says, “If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness. We rightly call it the Great Plan of Happiness, for so it is. It should be known also as Our Fathers Plan. As we grow older and, we hope wiser, particularly when we have children of our own,we come to realize that the whole plan of hapiness was designed for us and for them by our Father.”

Pres. Packer then goes into some detail about all the stages of the plan. I gave a talk a few months ago about our premortal life so I will assume you all heard that. Here are the main points:
  • We lived as spirit sons and daughters with our heavenly parents.
  • There was a council. Our Fathers plan was sustained.
  • Tio LuLu presented an opposing plan.
  • Our oldest brother Jehova supported Fathers plan and volunteered to be our saviour because he loves us.
  • There was a war and one third of our prothers and sisters chose Lucifers plan and were cast out.
  • ALL OF THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO EARTH AND WILL COME TO EARTH CHOSE OUR FATHERS PLAN ( this is my missionary message. When you approach your neighbors remember they chose the plan also.)

And now the rest of the plan:
-The Earth was organized.
-Adam and Eve were the first Man and woman.
-Eve was beguiled by Satan and transgressed and was to be cast out of the garden. Adam chose to live the first commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth.
  • through this transgression we are subject to mortality.
  • Through the Atonement the effects of the fall, mortal death and spiritual death can be overcome.
  • After we die we are introduced to the spiritual world. It is happiness for the righteous or Paradise. It is misery for the wicked. In either we continue to learn and are accountable for our actions.
  • After all are dealt with equally a judgment will be rendered. All will be ressurected in his or her order. The glory one receives will depend on obedience to the laws and ordinances of Our Fathers plan. (read D&C 88:32)(also Sacramental Prayer)

Pres. Packer says the great Plan of Happiness is like a three-act play. “Act I is entitled “Premortal Life”The scriptures describe it as our First Estate. Act II, from Birth to the time of resurrection, The “Second Estate.” And act II, “Life After Death, or Immortality and Eternal Life.”
“In mortality, we are like one who enters a theater just as the curtain rises on the second act. The production has many plots and subplots that interweave, making it difficult to figure out who relates to whom and what relates to what, who are the heroes and who are the villains. It is further complicated because you are not just a spectator, you are a member of the cast, on stage, in the middle of it all!!”

So. This is the purpose of our days in this mortal life. It all boils down to one thing. The gospel is simple. That one thing is choice. Adam's choice in the Garden was the most important choice for mankind. It was the beginning. I believe it was symbolic of what our life is about. Our life will depend on many choices we make every day. The Lord has given us some helps in making these choices. The light of Christ for everyone to guide us to truth. The gift of The Holy ghost for confirmed Members of The Church. It is my testimony that these things will guide us to happiness. If we but listen. My favorite scripture is in D&C 101:16 the last phrase is “be Still and Know that I am God.” We have to be still and listen to the voice or feelings within us.